Learning, Creating, Connecting…

Learnings, teachings, and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

The Blog
"Redeeming this journey is a reminder of how grateful I am for the gift of having special people in my life so we can learn from each other and grow together."

—Cintia H. Orsi

Stillness in you: thank you Buffalo Street Books!

Stillness in you: thank you Buffalo Street Books!

It is a unique moment in time that calls us to stillness, or perhaps, stillness is a disruptive move you wish you could take... an opportunity for reconnection and transformation like no other. In a personal note of gratitude, @BuffaloStreetBooks and, in particular, Lisa Swayze, the general manager, has done so much for my family and me.

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A letter of appreciation to the Southside Community Center, Ithaca

A letter of appreciation to the Southside Community Center, Ithaca

Special thanks for the dedication to the kids programs: Southside Afterschool Program, Southside Summer Camp and the Community Unity Music Education Program (CUMEP). The teachings on the black history in the US, abolitionism, the connection with African countries culture, the desire for cultural healing and social justice.

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How did I get here? A business journey to coaching...

How did I get here? A business journey to coaching...

Navigating in coaching business is a big challenge for me. It is out of my comfort zone. I am learning a lot. I have great teachers and mentors. Extraordinary encounters along the path. It is a peaceful journey because I know what my calling is. I serve people, and their empowerment energizes me into finding their journey and giving back their gifts to the world.

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"To look inside me, what moved me and how I made it all move inside me, it was a difficult task to do on my own. It was a difficult weight to carry on by myself. Through the coaching process with Cintia, who with all her technique, empathy, and professionalism, guided me and made me reflect on these issues. I allowed myself to self-development."

— Keyla Yoko Nishimoto - partner at Kumon Campinas - Sousas/SP Brazil

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